Portland's New Cultural Plan – We Need YOU!

MusicPortland & Our Creative Future!

A HUGE thank you to everyone who attended the round table in February hosted by MusicPortland and the Our Creative Future project! We held a robust discussion on how our local music scene can (and should!) help to inform and shape the new cultural plan being developed through the Our Creative Future project. (More on OCF below.)

A big part of what makes Portland music so unique is our supportive and activated community. The organizers of the development process were impressed and inspired by our readiness to take our place at the table. Your enthusiastic participation in the discussion provided a wealth of insight into how we can envision the next generation of Arts & Culture for Portland and its greater surrounding areas! (Couldn't attend the meeting? You can watch a video here.)

So now that we've got the city's attention, what's next?

We're continuing the conversation at our First Monday gathering on March 6 at the White Eagle. Our collective goal for the coming months is to develop actionable plans to deliver to the cultural planning organizers. The more prepared we are, the more effective our direct asks will be in influencing the changes we want to see.

This is why WE NEED YOU! 

We've created a simple form to collect more insight from the community. We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, and concerns. Have some things to say but are feeling shy? Feel free to share your input anonymously.

We can't stress this enough...

This is our chance to be heard, and it's OUR MOMENT TO LOSE! 

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